Also Known As: Career Summary, Resume Summary, Career Profile, Qualifications Summary, Executive Summary.
Located at the top of the #resume above your work experience and below your contact information, your professional summary is equivalent to your ‘elevator pitch’. It is an overview of your most impressive #skills and #achievements and should demonstrate how you can help the employer.
The summary is important real estate on your resume because it is the first thing a hiring manager sees. Therefore, it should be concise, impactful, and relevant to the #job
Remember: the goal is to entice your audience to read more. Always tailor your professional summary to the job you are applying to (or positions of interest), so have the job description handy along with your resume to refer to for key information.
6 steps to Writing a Professional Summary:
1) Make a list of your skills and abilities that most closely align with the job.
2) State your current title and number years of relevant experience, along with a few self-describing adjectives (e.g., “Strategic and results-driven Sales Manager”).
3) Highlight an impressive, measurable achievement(s). It should be relevant to the job.
4) State how you can help the employer by touting your relevant skills & abilities (see #1).
5) Incorporate relevant keywords from the job description.
6) Limit length to 2-5 sentences or bullets.

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